Every adult has gone through some form of trauma and has had varying success with healing that trauma. On Saturday 10/15 at 3:00 PM ET (8:00PM BST) Deb, The Kink Shrink, will be talking about Trauma in BDSM. Deb is a BDSM and sex and sexuality educator that writes about and runs/facilitates workshops, discussions, and […]
Author: thebdsmgarden
Polygon? Polynomial? Polyphenols? Poly wanna cracker? On 10/12 at 9PM ET, Sero leads a chat on Being Polyamorous that’s not just for poly people! Yes, we know that polyamory is just wrong and should be wither multiamory or polyphilia but let’s just go with it on Wednesday evening!
I have finally figured out how to get a reasonable calendar on, at least, our blog, though not on the site. (http://www.thebdsmgarden.com) Keep an eye out on the calendar to keep up with chat topics and add it to your own calendar (don’t worry, I’ll never know) by clicking the wee blue and white + […]
It is with the deepest grief that i announce the passing of our beloved Ms. Monster. Jenn was struck by a vicious cancer that was only discovered a few weeks ago. Tonight, at the age of 43, she passed away 9:42P.M. on 9/21/22 in Winnipeg, Canada. She was surrounded by children and family. Sero, Sir […]
https://gopher-orca-jrn3.squarespace.com/cambridge March 9, 2021 Cambridge, Massachusetts On March 8th, 2021, the Cambridge City Council passed a historic domestic partnership ordinance aimed at recognizing and protecting polyamorous and other multi-partner families and relationships. The ordinance was developed with detailed input from the newly formed Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition (PLAC), and is the first of what advocates […]
Guest Blog – Slut-Shame, Sex-Shame, and Kink-Shame – The Experience of Trying to Live Authentically in World of Sexual Bullies
How to tell someone you’re dating that you’re interested in kink Marika says: ‘Do not wait for the heat of the moment: there should be space for your partner to reflect, ask questions, and communicate their own needs or limits. This sort of negotiation is integral to safe and rewarding play. [see the link above […]
What makes a good one? By: Sophie GoulopoulosFEBRUARY 17, 2021For News.com.auhttps://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/sex-relationships/sex/terriblesafeword-is-trending-but-should-all-couples-have-a-safe-word/news-story/73066e77611211c77d3ff600ec0765b7 You’ll hear this often: communication is one of, if not the most important element to a happy and healthy relationship. While ‘safe words’ have their origins in the BDSM community, they can be useful for all couples. When you hear the term ‘safe word’, you […]
By JAIMEE BELL05 January, 2021 for Big Think https://bigthink.com/sex-relationships/bdsm-psychology-trauma?rebelltitem=2#rebelltitem2 No, being interested in BDSM does not mean you had a traumatic childhood. BDSM is a kind of sexual expression and/or practice that refers to three main subcategories: Bondage/Discipline, Dominance/submission, and Sadism/Masochism. It has been widely speculated that many BDSM practitioners or people who enjoy the […]
From https://ncsfreedom.org/ Exciting news from the APA’s Division 44 Committee on Consensual Non-monogamy:Our initiative for inclusive therapist directories continues to deliver, as Psychology Today has also updated their directory so people can search for therapists who are experienced in relationship diversity and alternative relationship styles and structures. Stay tuned to our channels for more information […]