Author: kissa smith

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Garden Chat – Red Flags

For sure this time! Saturday at 3:00 PM ET, we’ll talk about a sensitive subject, Relationship Red Flags, and when it’s time to get out of a relationship for your own safety and sanity. In BDSM, especially, some things we do are parts of play but some are just not okay. Let’s talk about the […]

Uncategorized kissa smith 

New on The Garden

Garden Discussion on Trust in BDSM by Garden Chat Topics Conservative discussion of Trust in BDSM Garden Topic Chat on Vetting by Garden Chat Topics Conservative Discussion about Vetting New Partners What We Want to Tell Our Younger Selves by Garden Chat Topics Conservative Topic Chat What We Want to Tell Our Younger Selves How […]

Uncategorized kissa smith 

New on The BDSM Garden

SCENE SPEAK ~ by FRR Mallory Conservative speech is a language that we develop and use solely in-scene. We reserve this speech to augment and accentuate the atmosphere of the scene and often to heighten the sensory experience for both Dominant and submissive. SANITY by FRR Mallory Conservative is said about Safe, Sane and Consensual within the BDSM lifestyle, it […]

Uncategorized kissa smith 

Metamour Day

Metamour Day was created to honor the relationships between you and your metamours, however that might look. It is not about forced compersion. It’s about communal appreciation within our family structures and modeling positivity to the world around us. Metamour Day is a recognition of the unique and special relationships between metamours.

Uncategorized kissa smith 

Here’s How Kink Is Taking Over Social Media in the Wake of the Pandemic

It’s the Great Hornification of the 2020s.By Arielle Richards The internet has always been home to the horniest pockets of society. But since the heat of the pandemic and its multiple lockdowns, social media is hornier than ever.  Being “Horny on Main” was once the ultimate online faux pas – the descriptor given to anyone […]